Things break....
The heart is capable of depth beyond all words, beyond reason, beyond measure, even beyond imagination. Yet without its layers of armour and defences it is such a fragile thing.
An attempt at putting my random thoughts, and other things, into words....and just get some stuff off my chest.
The heart is capable of depth beyond all words, beyond reason, beyond measure, even beyond imagination. Yet without its layers of armour and defences it is such a fragile thing.
“Words are weak instruments of love. They can do many things, but they do not carry the truth like your hands do. People need to be shown, not told.” - Ted Dekker
In highschool, I hated words. I hated Enlgish, writing essays and all that. I liked math, with its black and white answers, and methods to follow. There were no opinions. There was no grey area. There was no guessing. There were no long hours spent pondering how to convert some faint wisp of a thought into words.
I read something today that made me feel kinda angry. About if you are ready for marriage and you are friends with someone of the opposite sex that you do not plan on marrying you are wasting your time. It was in a Christian article. Gah! How can anyone say that FRIENDSHIP, that investing in someone’s life, that spending time with someone, that getting to know someone, that sharing your life with someone, that loving someone as a friend, is a WASTE OF TIME!?!? I mean, I understand articles cautioning against a girl and guy spending too much time hanging out alone together. But this? Since when did the life of a young adult become a sole-purpose-mission to find someone to marry? At what point did it become ok for things to be completely and entirely about us and our own agendas? Are we so selfish that if we don’t get, as the article labels it, “the benefit of marriage”, as a result of the friendship, it becomes a waste of time?!?!